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Research & Development

Our studio comes from a heartful intent for doing things outside our comfort zone and a norm of what a small business is capable of. We went all out and took risks to develop a test project, design a proposal for sustainable living, and CSR activities working with preserving and growing more natural resources.

Currently, the initiatives are on hold due to a lack of funding. If your vision coincides with ours, feel free to drop an email to

Through years of research and designs, the self-funded prototype is built from scratch in a system of repetitive prefabricated elements and systematic dimensions in a matrix that allows for customisation, relocation, and expansion. Structural joinery details are designed for easy installation with traditional methods known to local builders to reduce building complications on-site, shorten production time, create zero on-site construction waste, and efficient material management. 


This project was brought to light a year in early 2019 to preserve a piece of farmland to establish a new concept of sustainable living with mindfulness and health awareness by providing an individual plot of land with an abundance of greenery. The project rewards individuals and families with generous space for opportunities to embrace discoveries in sustainable living, learn the value of local nature, and advantage of their co-existence. This development differentiates from numerous developments in the country where we concentrate on sustainable goals. 



The studio founder comes from a family of hardworking people who appreciate life and everything surrounding it. They drive to do things to help and protect without any promotions. For the past 30 years, the family dedicated their resources to growing hardwood trees from small seedlings to 20m tall trees that have been under threat due to deforestation. 


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